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GSWP Letter of Appointment


Gauteng Schools Water Polo take pleasure in confirming the amateur appointment of:


In the position of ________________________ of the under _______ boys / girls team for

the year __________

subject to the following conditions;
as laid out in this letter,
the National Educators Code of Conduct and,
the Gauteng Schools Water Polo Code of Conduct and,
the SA Schools Water Polo Code of Conduct.


You will conduct yourself at all times in an exemplary manner when conducting your duties as coach or manager and not cause any action or comment to bring Gauteng Schools Water Polo into disrepute.

That you will at all times act “In Loco Parentis” as to which is in the best interest of the player’s under your charge, above any other consideration.

That you will consider yourself as representing Gauteng Schools Water Polo at all times during the SA Schools Competition including after hours activities not directly related to the competition.

That you will at no time allow, condone, facilitate or leave unreported the use of alcohol, viewing of inappropriate media, tobacco, narcotics, harmful supplements and unsanctioned after hours excursions by the players under your charge.

That you will partake in two clinics towards the general upliftment of water polo at developing water polo schools as well as participate in the trials process and pre season preparation of the players.

That you consent and understand that all actions that you undertake are for your personal liability and especially so in the event of negligence, and that your Gauteng Schools Water Polo appointment is of a amateur nature.

Appointee's Full Name: ________________________ Signature:_________________

Vice Chairperson: Signature:_________________

Chairperson: Signature:_________________

Date: ___________________ Place:________________

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